Tuesday 12 April 2016


1.What are three rules of etiquette at any concert?
Please audience turn off the phone not allowed to photograph and loud nises.
Please audience do not arbitrarily applause in the middle of the show.
Please audience wear formal cothing watch the show.
2.What instrument or performance would you expect to see at the concert?
 I look forward to a symphony concert ,
3.What time does the concert begin?
    The concert beginnig at 12;am on thurday ,April,2016.
4. Who's the performer?
   The performer is American pianist Kara Huber.
5. What do you hope to take away from the free concert?
   I can feel the music's mood and artstic conception.
6.Who's leaving from Don Mills Station on Thursday, and at what time?
 Xinyang and me will leave from Don Mills Station   at 9;30am on Thursday
 7.Which of the other places on the itinerary interests you, and why?
  Path Underground city, Nathan Phillips Square and Osgoode Hall on the itinerary interest me becasue I      have been there before.
8.What's the weather going to be like on Thursday?
It will be sunny on Thursday. The temperature will be 7 degree clesius.
9.What would you advise your classmates to bring on Thursday?
 I would like to advice my classmates to bring some water ,cach and their's phones.
10.Who's your lunch partner on Thursday?
  I will have lunch with my classmate.

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