Monday 11 January 2016

my story

my girlfriend from university  ,Jame, was  going to attend and our friend Annie was planning a Birthday party for her sun's birthday  party in Angle  Bar. it was going  to the  last day of the weekend and i wanted to go.The trouble was, i was scheduled to steady-time that weekend. 1 need to get the time off from homework or I was going to miss out on all the food and fun.
I  not have vacation leave,but university policy requires that my professor sign off  on any  leave we take.I've heard of university doing that for longer periods of sick leave or a leave of absence.but our university does that for vacation leave .I thought about just calling in sick that day.but I didn’t think my professor  would appreciate me leaving him hangingIN the end ,i just asked him stiaight out  and, to my surprise, he said, “okay.” Now, I just need to get ready for a wild weekend with the girl. I can’t wait! 

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